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B2B Frameworks.

A curated collection of business frameworks to develop your strategic thinking skills, prove your value at work, and unlock your next promotion.


Get where you want, quicker.

Unlike other e-learning platforms with thousands of resources you’ll never need, we’ve carefully curated a collection of only the most effective marketing, growth and innovation frameworks designed to help you solve real business challenges.

Less theory, more action.

Each framework in our collection comes with its own step-by-step instructions and PowerPoint template to help you apply the strategic thinking to your own specific business challenge and easily share with colleagues.

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Learn from a trusted expert with extensive real-world experience.

The B2B Frameworks collection has been put together by Paul Hague, a leading consultant with 30 years of experience helping the world’s largest B2B brands build successful marketing and growth strategies, and founder of global B2B market research company B2B International.

b2b frameworks founder Paul  Hague
The Library.

Lessons and insights on business strategy to help fast-track your career and grow your business.

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