B2B frameworks solve critical issues facing companies. Each framework plays a specific role. That said, many frameworks can be used for a number of purposes. For example, the 4Ps guides marketing strategy, general business strategy, and pricing strategy. For this reason you will see the 4Ps framework under three different headings. If you want to see the complete list of frameworks, visit this page (click here).
Use these marketing frameworks to develop your strategies
4Ps - design your own marketing mix
AIDA - improve your marketing communications
Ansoff Matrix - grow your company with existing or new products and markets
Benchmarking - set targets for improving business and marketing key performance indicators (KPIs)
Boston Consulting Group Matrix – plan a product portfolio or balance multiple SBUs
Brand Audit – improve the strength of a brand
Competitive Intelligence – assess the strengths and weaknesses of competitors
Conjoint Analysis – assess the optimum price and value of component parts of an offer
Customer Journey Maps – assess the current performance of marketing and sales processes
Customer Lifetime Value – assess the lifetime value of loyal customers
Customer Value Proposition – create a compelling motive to purchase your products or services
Diffusion of Innovation – launch new products and services
Directional Policy Matrix – prioritise segments or new ideas
Porter's Four Corners – analyse competitors strategies
Gap Analysis – improve areas of weakness in a company
Kano – identify motivations for buying products and services
Kotler's 5 Product Levels – add value to a product or service
Market Sizing – assess the size and value of served or potential market
Maslow's Hierarchy – help your company differentiate its marketing position
McKinsey's 7s – carry out a company "health check"
MOSAIC – work out where you are now, where you can go, and how you can get there
Net Promoter Score – achieve an excellent customer experience
New Product Pricing – price new products at the optimum level
Personas – improve the focus of marketing messages
PEST – assess the macro factors that shape your company's future
Porter's 5 Forces – assess economic forces that determine competitive intensity
Porter's generic strategies – pinpointed companies strongest competitive position
Price Elasticity – assess opportunities for raising or lowering prices
Product Life Cycle – determine the long-term strategy for your company's products
Product Service Matrix - position the products in your portfolio according to their quality and their service
Segmentation – use customer groups to gain competitive advantage
Service Profit Chain – Link it employee satisfaction and performance with company profits
SERVQUAL – allying customer expectations and company performance
SIMALTO – identify the value customers place on products or service improvements
SWOT Analysis – analyse growth opportunities at product, team or at a business unit level
System 1 and System 2 Thinking it – identify the emotional forces that drive decisions
USP – pinpoint the unique selling point of a product or service
Value Based Marketing – improved profitability by building more value into your products and services
Value Chain – show where a product or service gains value as it is made by a company
Value Equivalence Line – manage price and product benefits in a business strategy
These frameworks will help you develop general business strategies for your company
4Ps - design your own marketing mix
ADL Matrix - strengthen your product portolio/strategic business units (SBUs)
AIDA - improve your marketing communications
Ansoff Matrix - grow your company with existing or new products and markets
Benchmarking - set targets for improving business and marketing key performance indicators (KPIs)
Boston Consulting Group Matrix – plan a product portfolio or balance multiple SBUs
Brand Audit – improve the strength of a brand
Competitive Intelligence – assess the strengths and weaknesses of competitors
Conjoint Analysis – assess the optimum price and value of component parts of an offer
Customer Journey Maps – assess the current performance of marketing and sales processes
Customer Lifetime Value – assess the lifetime value of loyal customers
Customer Value Proposition – create a compelling motive to purchase your products or services
Diffusion of Innovation – launch new products and services
Directional Policy Matrix – prioritise segments or new ideas
Disruptive Innovation – beat the competition with something new
EFQM Excellence Model – improve an organisation's quality and performance
Porter's Four Corners – analyse competitors strategies
Gap Analysis – improve areas of weakness in a company
Greiner's Growth Model – help recognise different phases of your company's growth
Market Sizing – assess the size and value of served or potential market
Maslow's Hierarchy – help your company differentiate its marketing position
McKinsey's 7s – carry out a company "health check"
Mintzberg's 5Ps – devise a competitive strategy for your company
MOSAIC – work out where you are now, where you can go, and how you can get there
Net Promoter Score – achieve an excellent customer experience
New Product Pricing – price new products at the optimum level
PEST – assess the macro factors that shape your company's future
Porter's 5 Forces – assess economic forces that determine competitive intensity
Porter's generic strategies – pinpointed companies strongest competitive position
Segmentation – use customer groups to gain competitive advantage
Service Profit Chain – Link it employee satisfaction and performance with company profits
SWOT Analysis – analyse growth opportunities at product, team or at a business unit level
Value Chain – show where a product or service gains value as it is made by a company
Value Net - determine how competitors can benefit by collaboration
Most of us don't spend enough time thinking about pricing strategies. It is the component of the 4Ps that delivers profit so we should give it more attention. Use these strategies to ensure you have optimum prices.
4Ps - design your own marketing mix
ADL Matrix - strengthen your product portolio/strategic business units (SBUs)
AIDA - improve your marketing communications
Ansoff Matrix - grow your company with existing or new products and markets
Benchmarking - set targets for improving business and marketing key performance indicators (KPIs)
Conjoint Analysis – assess the optimum price and value of component parts of an offer
Customer Lifetime Value – assess the lifetime value of loyal customers
Customer Value Proposition – create a compelling motive to purchase your products or services
Gap Analysis – improve areas of weakness in a company
Kano – identify motivations for buying products and services
New Product Pricing – price new products at the optimum level
Price Elasticity – assess opportunities for raising or lowering prices
Segmentation – use customer groups to gain competitive advantage
Service Profit Chain – Link it employee satisfaction and performance with company profits
SIMALTO – identify the value customers place on products or service improvements
SWOT Analysis – analyse growth opportunities at product, team or at a business unit level
Value Based Marketing – improved profitability by building more value into your products and services
Value Chain – show where a product or service gains value as it is made by a company
Value Equivalence Line – manage price and product benefits in a business strategy