These more specialist frameworks will help you develop new products and services, manage your product portfolio, and analyse your customer base. Some of the frameworks cover a number of applications so you will see them repeated in the listings.
Use these frameworks to develop your innovation strategy
Brand Audit – improve the strength of a brand
Competitive Intelligence – assess the strengths and weaknesses of competitors
Conjoint – assess the optimum price and value of new products
Customer Value Proposition – create a compelling motive to purchase your products or services
Diffusion of Innovation – launch new products and services
Disruptive innovation – beat the competition with something new
Edward De Bono's 6 thinking hats - brainstorm problems and to generate new ideas
Market Sizing – assess the size and value of served or potential market
New product pricing – price new products and see their value
Product Life Cycle – determine the long-term strategy for your company's products
Product Service Matrix - position the products in your portfolio according to their quality and their service
SIMALTO – identify the value customers place on products or service improvements
Stage Gate New Product Development – plan the development and launch of new products and services
These frameworks will help you develop product strategies for your company
4Ps - design your own marketing mix
ADL Matrix - strengthen your product portolio/strategic business units (SBUs)
Blue Ocean Strategy – kickstart innovation and new product development
Boston Consulting Group Matrix – plan a product portfolio or balance multiple SBUs
Competitive Intelligence – assess the strengths and weaknesses of competitors
Customer Value Proposition – create a compelling motive to purchase your products or services
Porter's Four Corners – analyse competitors strategies
Gap Analysis – improve areas of weakness in a company
Greiner's Growth Model – help recognise different phases of your company's growth
Kano – identify motivations for buying products and services
Kotler's 5 Product Levels – add value to a product or service
Market Sizing – assess the size and value of served or potential market
McKinsey's 7s – carry out a company "health check"
New Product Pricing – price new products at the optimum level
Product Life Cycle – determine the long-term strategy for your company's products
Product Service Matrix - position the products in your portfolio according to their quality and their service
Segmentation – use customer groups to gain competitive advantage
SIMALTO – identify the value customers place on products or service improvements
Stage Gate New Product Development – plan the development and launch of new products and services
SWOT Analysis – analyse growth opportunities at product, team or at a business unit level
USP – pinpoint the unique selling point of a product or service
Understanding and meeting the needs of customers is fundamental in business. We have a number of tools that can help you do this.
Benchmarking - set targets for improving business and marketing key performance indicators (KPIs)
Conjoint Analysis – assess the optimum price and value of component parts of an offer
Customer Journey Maps – assess the current performance of marketing and sales processes
Customer Lifetime Value – assess the lifetime value of loyal customers
Customer Value Proposition – create a compelling motive to purchase your products or services
Gap Analysis – improve areas of weakness in a company
Kano – identify motivations for buying products and services
Maslow's Hierarchy – help your company differentiate its marketing position
Net Promoter Score – achieve an excellent customer experience
Personas – improve the focus of marketing messages
Segmentation – use customer groups to gain competitive advantage
SERVQUAL – allying customer expectations and company performance
SIMALTO – identify the value customers place on products or service improvements
System 1 and System 2 Thinking it – identify the emotional forces that drive decisions
USP – pinpoint the unique selling point of a product or service
Value Based Marketing – improved profitability by building more value into your products and services
Value Equivalence Line – manage price and product benefits in a business strategy